My name is Thomassina. I am 7 years old, and I have always had a home, thank you very much. Unfortunately, my mommy and daddy moved away and decided to leave me in the house for whoever bought it. Fortunately, this turned out to be a complete sucker....good and wonderful thing.
I used to be an outside kitty but my Mommy moved me inside right away. I had lots of fun playing on the carpet while my Mommy and her friend Margaret were trying to pull out wallpaper and paint the house. I thought I would get to be the only kitty in the house until one day when my Mommy left. When she came back, she had a truck full of stuff and - those two Other Cats.
I get along better with the rest of the herd now, but I still like to get extra special pampering sometimes. Since I am the littlest kitty, I like it when someone stands over me to watch me eat. I also like it that I get special outside privileges that the others don't. Sometimes I smirk at Emma when I am on the deck and she is behind the screen door. Life is good.
huntingcuddling up with peoplekibble and tuna juice
Dislikesthe vacuum cleaner
when Jamie wants to play chase with me - he's so big!
did you list thomassina as one of your dislikes? poor cat. i bet it is tuff being a feline. you must haf some cat issues. tee hee!
Hello and welcome to the cat blogosphere! Ivy told me about you, it is so nice to have been introduced by a dog, you are already in the "nomss friend " spirit (you can read about nomss friends here:
I hope to see and hear more of you!
Captain Jack Flint a.k.a. Karl
Complete suckers are always nice to run across. As a former wild-kitty, I know this.
Hi Thomassina. Nice to meet you. You sure are a beautiful calico kitty. I am a calico too. I hope you have fun with your blog.
Hi everyone! Welcome to our cat blogging community. We can't see the pictures of Emma & Jamie.
Stop over and see us.
George, Tipper, Max & Misty
Welcome to blogging!!! I reely look forwerd to lerning more abowt yoo and yer famly. Thomassina is one of owr faverite mooveys!
Hi Thomassina,and Emma and Jamie.Nice to meet you.There are lots of nice cats in the blogosphere.Today is Meow like a Pirate day,come on over and read the blogs ,it's fun.
Mom really liked the movie Thomasina (from Disney).Is that where you got your name?
Hi ::waves paws:: welcome to da blogging cat community! We like making new frends, and we are also two gerls who don't get along and one mancat who makes us share. Yoor gonna make lots of frends here cuz all da kitties and woofies and buns and effury other critter is really nice!
Hello Thomassina, Emma and Jamie. Ivy told Karl and then he let us know at the Cat Blogosphere that you were new. It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for the introductions they were very informative about all of you. You'll meet a lot of new furiends and we have lots of fun.
Oh hello and welcome to the blogosphere. It's furry nice to meet you.
::waves paws:: Hi!! We's glad to meet you all! Welcome to the cat blogosphere!
Purrrrrrrrrs to ye matey!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Hello efurryone!
Welcome to the cat blogging community. It's a great place to visit and there are lots of new furfriends here. Drop by and pay us a visit when you can.
Abby the Manx
Hello Thomassia, it is nice to meet you! :) How horrible that your first mom and dad just left you there, but wonderful that your new mommy kept you! :) I'm Dragonheart - I'm a Sphynx living in Germany.
Hi everyone! It's so nice to meet you, too. My Mommy was away and didn't turn on the computer for me, so I missed Meow Like a Pirate Day, but I'm having fun reading your blogs.
PS And yes, I am named for the movie. :-)
I'm still trying to fix our pictures on the blog, but if you click on the picture box, you can see our pictures on the flickr site.
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